Testing a slot
The mountAsChild enables testing slots. It creates a new Vue Instance, binds the Vue Component to be tested as a child element and adds the slots as child elements of the Component.
import { extend } from '@jasoeight/vue-testing';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import ExampleSlot from './path/to/ExampleSlot.vue';
describe('ExampleSlot.vue', () => {
it('renders slots', () => {
const wrapper = mountAsChild(ExampleSlot, {}, {
'default': 'My Default Slot Content',
'headline': {
content: 'My Headline',
element: 'h2'
'footer': {
content: 'My Footer'
expect(wrapper.find('div.header > h2')[0].text()).to.equal('My Headline');
expect(wrapper.find('div.content > div')[0].text()).to.equal('My Default Slot Content');
expect(wrapper.find('div.footer > div')[0].text()).to.equal('My Footer');